Tuesday 1 October 2013

Fresh Voices

Further to my last post 'A Date at BAFTA' I'd like to fill you in on the success of the event. 

The evening was ran by Fresh Voices. Fresh Voices is a creative response to the continuing absence of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) voices finding their way on to mainstream television.  Founder, Carol Russell quotes, "It aims to present work of experienced BAME writers to an invited industry audience in order to demonstrate a wider perspective, not only of Black British life, but also of the kinds of stories that we want to tell that aren't just about the 'black' experience, but about the human condition."

This year's event showcased a piece written by Jo Johnson, an experienced director and producer. Her directing credits include; Cardiac Arrest, The Bill, Bad Girls and Trial and Retribution. She produced 96 episodes of EastEnders and teaches acting for TV at Drama Studio, London.  The piece was called, "It Must Be Love." Jo called upon various actors she's worked with in the past to perform the reading including; Louis Emerick, Andrew Clover, Tony O'Callaghan, Graham Turner, Beverly Walding, Angela Wynter, Victoria Willing, Charli Peters, David Kaye and me!

The show was followed by a Q&A led by an industry panel including Kate Harwood (Controller, Series and Serials at BBC), Kieran Roberts (Executive Producer at ITV) and Jo Ho (Award-winning screenwriter and director). 

It was wonderful for Jo, Carol and the cast to hear the fantastic feedback from these industry greats. Fingers crossed "It Must Be Love" will be developed further in the near future. 

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