Monday 19 August 2013

The Success of 'Love and Lust in Lewisham'

Ruby Snape and Matthew Price Lindsey
The curtain finally came down on 'Love and Lust in Lewisham' last Saturday night. The play was a huge success. We had packed audiences every night of the run. The three-hander written by the talented Stewart Permutt was performed as part of the Camden Fringe Festival. The feedback we received was phenomenal. 
Ruby Snape and Louis Cardona

The producers, Lindona Productions (established by Louis Cardona and Matthew Price Lindsey) commissioned Stewart to write the play specifically for them. Louis played the part of Bradley and Matthew took on the role of Pinko. Stewart added the character Ania Koschinska to enhance the dynamic of the play. It was a plum part for any actress to perform and I was lucky enough to be chosen for the part. 

Suzy Catliff directed the play beautifully adding her amazing talent and experience to the mix. Gregor Donnelly's design was authentic and spot on. 
Rehearsal notes

'Love and Lust in Lewisham' has renewed my confidence making me more optimistic than ever. Here are some quotes from the reviewers:

"Ruby Snape, as Ania, is also on top form. Although possibly the most level and “normal” character at the start of the play, when her desperation sets in, she turns into something sweetly sinister and grossly manipulative; a marvellously subtle but equally hideous character transformation, performed with quiet panache."

"Ruby Snape, as the ubiquitous tart-with-a-heart Ania, delivers the star turn of the evening with a warm and spontaneous performance. She gets the funniest lines too, and delivers them with a combination of naivety and world-weariness that perfectly suit the wry humour of the script."

Bring on the next role........

The Curtain Call

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